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bruh, it's almost identical to my game, bruu

Still very diffrent. I didn't know about your game, most of ideas that come to our heads were existing already. Still there are noticable diffrences, in my version you can rotate & fast drop blocks as well, thats very important part of tetris, also I have added lasers which force you to find ways to block them and go around the. Have a nice day (: 

yes i know, i just wanted to point it out cause it's funny that we had the same idea 🗿 anyways good luck on your next project.

Thanks, good luck all of yours next projects. 

A strange premise but has some potential.

I was expecting that I needed to get to the red line to beat the level considering getting a Tetris or line break doesn't actually clear the tetriminos out.

At its current state, it doesn't really have a point. I just have to put the character into the corner and play Tetris like normal. The character doesn't actually block anything.

Maybe incorporating enemies, or even having areas the player needs to destroy or platforming segments connected with the tetriminos could make more sense and be more fun. I would prefer the player has to make it to the red line, but no blocks can touch that. They have to jump up to win.


There was this idea that player needs to position tetrominoes in a way that he can make it up on them, since he gets score by jumping higher and higher, thanks for your feedback, it is very appreciated. I probably won't update the game since it was just learning project but some of your advice could work. Thanks again.