A downloadable game

Ancient tribe in the Amazon rainforest left a trace of why they have left their camp base. Use the cards they left behind in various combinations to piece together the stories of what actually happened.


-> Unique mind boggling puzzles

 -> Total of 10 diffrent cards and...

...over 196 animated combinations

-> Surprising and funny character interactions

-> Easy to understand gameplay

-> Between 15 to 45 minute play through

Soon it will be time to UNFOLD the truth hidden within their strokes of INKMany people have tried before, but you are the only one that can crack this mystery.

Until then, add this game to your wishlist on steam

 OR add it to your collection at your upper right corner

Unfoldink is a 2D puzzle adventure game where you craft unique combinations of cards, to come up with animated stories that explain the tribe's depararature.

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